Hill Country Bicycle Routes

Ride Your Dream Bike on Gillespie County's Dream Roads
I moved to Fredericksburg in 2003 primarily for its comprehensive network of great country cycling roads, as well as its cycling-friendly climate. (Okay, so you have to get up early in the summer, in any winter month here the weather can be very suitable for cycling. And spells of bad weather tend not to last too long.)
I immediately enjoyed exploring the roads and ultimately put together a road cycling website, to share routes. The site is no longer available, but the route files are (as PDF files). There is more car traffic today so this county is not what it used to be for cycling, especially on the weekends. But during quiet periods cyclists can still find many miles of enjoyable cycling on the roads featured in these routes.
Routes Start and Finish at Two Locations
Follow the links above to access the routes. Print the PDF files and take them with you on your ride. Routes highlight dining and refreshment resources located near the route start/finish and (in many cases) along the way.
Sample Route Pages